
Friday, June 14, 2019


I AM TIRED. My dad came in today from Florida. Besides just the normal chatting, and eating dinner we also played a few games of "ring toss" ( a version of ring toss that's a lot like horseshoes with points and everything) and then after dinner, we started playing RISK. RISK is crazy. one minute you dominate all of Africa, the next you are obliterated from the face of the continent! we started too late but it is almost midnight and we decided to start fresh in the morning. left the board where it lay after taking a picture of it for security reasons. lol.

Monday, June 10, 2019

YouTube is Happening

so I have been really busy if you haven't noticed on YoutTube. The following two videos are my most viewed/most popular video and...
My latest video. check them out and subscribe if you haven't already!