
Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I was just watching "Channel 1" a school brodcasted television news program. They were doing a segment on the heroin problem that has spread to rural communities. Apparently a girl died from a heroin overdose and now the community is jumping to action. I think their plan to provide parents with drug screening kits is genius, but channel1 called "contraversial" Why you may ask. Because teens think it is an infringememnt on their "privacy". ARE YOU SERIOUS? I have been a high school teacher for 11 years. I have some experience with teens. Two reasons why this is ludicrous.

1. The smartest most brightest teens I have known have made mistakes, lied, cheated, etc. If any human is doing something wrong they are not going to want to share it with the people who care the most about them.

2. Teens should have no privacy. Parents are their greatest hope. If a caring parent is not allowed to save their life who should be? How can a parent help their child if they are not allowed to know their child.

Are we seriously debating on whether or not a teenager should have rights to their "privacy".

You want privacy? Get a job and move into your own house. Prove you deserve and can handle privacy. I wish I was without privacy. The only trouble I ever got into was done in private. I am human. I need watching. I am human. I can't be trusted. And I am 37.

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