I'm not anti-gun or anything. I have one in my house. I believe in defending your family. and I know this country would not exist without the men and women who took a stand an killed when necessary. And believe me when I tell you that few people like fighting in movies as much as i do. I am a fan of Jackie Chan, Steven Segal, and Jet Li. My favorite movies are the Matrix, the Bourne Identity, The Transporter, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

painting by chad brown 2008
I am not anti-gun but I am Pro-Imitator of Christ. Christ loved us so much he took the bullet for our sins. While we were still his enemies (Romans 5:10) he took the bullet. And he when to great measures to do so. Peter was about to hand a servant of the High Priest his own ear when jesus stopped him and said,"Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword." Jesus Was humble even though he was God. He was gentle even though he was pursecuted. And was he not the most patient man to ever live?!?! Just think, GOD walking along side of you listening to you bicker about who was the greatest (Mark 9:34). And he didn't back hand you and let you know without doubt who was the greatest. I'd say he beared with others in love. He went to the tomb knowing there was and is more to life than saving yourself, your family, your posessions. He was self sacrificing not self defending.
OH LORD, Help me to be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
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